Lovett Consultants

Special Hazards


Sun Chemical Corp.
Speciality Inks Division, Winston-Salem, NC

  • This was a major addition to the ink production facility.
  • 1 story
  • Mixed Occupancy, Offices, Flammable & Combustible liquids processing and storage.
  • SBCC Standard Building Code and NFPA 33 Flammable and Combustible Liquids, Type IV unprot. construction
  • The design called for open vats containing flammable liquids (1B & 1C), processing and storage in metal drums, shipping & receiving.
  • Lovett Consultants provided hazard analysis to develop electrical hazard classifications around the open vats at varying distances. In addition Lovett Consultants provided speciality inspections for the wet pipe sprinkler system.

ECO-Cartersville Ethanol Facility 
Cartersville, GA  


  • The facility is an ethanol bulk transfer and storage facility consisting of three 114 ft. diameter, 2.7 million gallon above-ground floating top storage tanks, a three bay tanker filling canopy, and a 100 tanker car unloading yard.
  • Ethanol is received in rail cars, stored in above ground tanks, and transferred to semi-tanker trucks for local deliveries.
  • Lovett Consultants designed an automatic foam-water system per NFPA 16 protecting the loading station, and a manual low expansion foam system per NFPA 11 protecting the Storage Tanks and diked areas.

General Motors Global Facilities
Milford Proving Ground, Michigan

Lovett Consultants PLLC provided life safety and code analysis for the expansion of this existing 376,140 sq. ft. facility to enable some test cells to run on Compressed Natural Gas.  The project included a hazardous material analysis as well as calculations to determine adequate and safe building egress.   

General Motors Powertrain Project
Pontiac, Michigan

    Lovett Consultants PLLC provided building code, life safety, and hazardous material             consulting for an 80,000 sq. ft. expansion to the existing facility.

Project Profiles:
   Health Care
  Offices / Business
  Places Of Assembly
  Storage Occupancies
  Special Hazards

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4455 Morris Park Drive, Suite H, Mint Hill, NC 28227  I  PH.  704.545.8383  I  FX. 704.545.2483  I  EMAIL US